Another project that I am involved with is something called STEPS. This organization developed over 50 movies both short and long coving topics all relating to HIV/AIDS. We use these videos as conversation starters and to approach sensitive topics. To give you an idea of a video, one is called ‘The Moment’. In this 8 min long short film they interview 20 or so individuals on the different stages of a sexual relationship. So it starts with meeting then the kiss, arousal, then undressing and penetration etc and I’ve skipped a few. Between each stage the individuals make comments about feelings, emotions, actions or their own perceptions. The last words that flash on the screen say, ‘In what do you decide to use a condom?’ This move is flashy, raw and in several languages covering all demographics. It is a great conversation starter. We then facilitate a discussion when the audience dose most of the talking. This specific film is saved for an older crowd like teachers or out of school youth. We use films on losing a parent, orphan hood or finding out you have HIV for the younger kids.
John and I lead the facilitation with Katie there as our HIV/AIDS expert. We start with explaining what STEPS is and how it is a conversation starter and not instructions. Then we show a film, ask about general feeling or focus of the film then go deeper into their values and cultural norms. It can get very exciting when debates and passionate monologs come into play. Before we start another film we give out little slips of paper to all in attendance and they write any anonymous question relating to HIV/AIDS on it. Katie goes through them, removes repeats and combines similar questions then she answers them one by one. Many questions are surprisingly simple but the level of understanding of the virus is still new to the general public here. A lot of good is done through Katie’s professional understanding of the topic. She took a course while still in the states on it too. So questions are answered, discussions are initiated and by the end there is a better understanding of this pandemic that holds Botswana as the second most infected country in the world closely behind Swaziland.
I'm glad Katie is able to talk about her HIV training. I figured she would, but I haven't heard her mention it yet. This sounds like a perfect opportunity to use her knowledge. And it's off topic but Katie's outfit is so cute!