Thursday, June 11, 2009

Holy Ghost House International Ministries

So we had planned on going to church with our host sister Doreen one Sunday. The night before, she convinced us to go to church with our friend Erica. Erica was going to visit her host mother’s church for the first time as well. Her mother stayed up all night cooking for the birthday party they were throwing for the pastor. So we figure we can get some cultural experience and maybe get fed afterwards. Sounds good. Plus our host mother Ellen attended the church as well.
We arrived late to the Holy Ghost House International Ministries and it was already pretty intense. I think we saw 2 pastors preach during the service and that did not include the birthday pastor. There was always an interpreter but it was still hard to keep up sometimes. Sometimes we had to stand up, then hold up our hands, then turn around and kneel on our chairs. Sometimes we would have to pray but everyone prayed out loud. So it sounded almost like chanting; everyone was praying for different things. At one point the pastor asked anyone new to the congregation to stand up. Thankfully it was more than just the three white folks. After we were introduced, everyone in the congregation gave us a hug which felt pretty good.
After some sermons on fear and savior, we held hands with our neighbor and prayed for them. As were standing, women of the church would go around and take our chairs away and put them up against the wall…Then the doors were closed…Then it got a little crazy….
The pastors began placing their hands on people and the people would collapse. Only they didn’t just collapse, they were convulsing. Women were jerking back and forth. I saw one old woman laying face down on the cement crying and drooling. This didn’t happen to just a few folks. It was happening to EVERYONE. I saw a teenage girl rolling around on the ground and biting the pastor’s ankles. I saw another girl running with her eyes closed away from a pastor. Then she started throwing punches. These people would roll around for 5 minutes, their eyes rolling in the back of their head, rolling over people’s feet. Then they would get back up and start signing like nothing happened.
At one point a pastor grabbed Lucas and I and started praying for us. Then he pushed on me and told me to lean back. Maybe he was trying to release the demons or something. When I wouldn’t fall he started spitting on me until I sat down to make it stop.
After about an hour, it was over. And people were holding up offering and it was time to go…


  1. good to see you on the blog again . great stories,looking forward to many more. did you get the box. that must have taken about a month to arrive. i think about you every dat and appreciate the sacrifice you are making and the living conditions that exist. it wont kill youy but it will make you appreciate home. love dad

  2. just don't let the churchfolk send you to Jonestown and drink the kool-aide. that doesn't sound like spiritual awakening for me, but I'm not that culturally-aware. i didn't see any photos on your blog but I know it can be hard to upload. if you send us the flashdrive we can upload them to your site.

  3. Hi Kate: Hang in there with the penecostals they have them in the states too. Remember Borat?


  4. Hey guys, It's great to hear from you again!! I think about you two all the time. I can't imagine all the crazy things you're experiencing, it makes me jealous. I also can't imagine how much you probably miss home, hell I miss home and I'm still in the states! I'll be checking often for more updates. Take care.

  5. Frisbee golfing isn't that same without you. When you get your new address let us know, I've got a few letters waiting to be sent out. Sorry I didn't get you the lightning bolt patch.

  6. I love the coments. I will try to upload pictures but no promises.

  7. Hey Lucas!

    I just wanted to say happy (belated) birthday! I hope you had a great day. I've been enjoying reading what you guys are up to. I want to send you a letter as soon as you get your new address. Take care!

  8. It's great to read of all the wonderful things you two are doing Botswana. I can't wait to hear of all the stories in person some day. I'll be sure to keep checking in. You guys take care.

  9. things are possible with God trust in him u will enjoy life. "God chooses grace rather than works" from T.B. Joshua's biography

  10. The works of God are very marvellous......He is the GREATER GOD and no one is abbove Him

  11. the word of god is sharper than a 2 edged sword...therefore i recommend it for everyone .it can pierce through anything...,sickness,hunger and any other situations in our lives..god bless you all!!!!!!!!!

  12. he is the way the truth and the light so follow him in faith

  13. The bible says that them that know their God shall do exploits! these are the last days, the days of the manifestation of God's power. Dont be shocked when God moves in the church today, it is a fulfilment of His promise. "In the last days i shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh..." that is what the word of God has to offer. it is time we all become aware of who God is and what things he can do for us as Christians. Stay Blessed.

  14. holy ghost fire!!!!!

  15. he is alpha nd omega our creater the beginning and the end, he created us on his image so lets follow his oerder cause nothn is posible withot him amen

  16. the time is now when the true worshipper of God will worship him in truth and in spirit...stay blessed

  17. Our Lord is good all the time. Let us pray unto Him and stay blessed.
